Man with cast sitting on sofa using laptop, slip and fall attorneys Saint Paul MN

Slip and Fall Compensation

If you have sustained injuries from a slip and fall, you may be able to recover compensation.

If you have been injured after a slip and fall on private property, an experienced personal injury attorney can help you recover compensation. You could receive compensation for your medical expenses, wage loss, and future pain and suffering.

How do I get my medical expenses paid?

Unfortunately, in many cases, you will have to initially pay your own medical expenses or use your health insurance until your case is settled or won at trial. However, in some situations, you may be able to recover some your medical expenses through med pay immediately. Med pay is often a part of many homeowner’s insurance policies. If you are injured while on another person’s residential property, you may be entitled to payment through med pay before your case has concluded.

How can my wage loss be paid?

You may be entitled to compensation for wage loss if you missed work because of your slip and fall injury. You should keep a record of all of the time that you missed work. This wage loss compensation is only recoverable through a case against the owner of the property in which you were injured. An experienced personal injury attorney can help you present your wage loss claim.

How to I get paid for my pain and suffering?

Like a wage loss claim, compensation paid for pain and suffering must be obtained through either a demand or a lawsuit against the owner of the property. Pain and suffering involves your changes to daily emotional, mental, and physical state because of the lasting effects of your injuries. These types of damages can be difficult to prove. It is important to have an experienced personal injury attorney to present your case.

If you have been injured because of a slip and fall, act quickly. We will listen to your story and provide a comprehensive consultation at no charge. Call Sieben & Cotter to arrange your free and comprehensive consultation, or send a request for more information.

Call Sieben & Cotter at 651-455-1555 to arrange your free and comprehensive consultation, or send a request for more information.